Chapter 2 is about my health and the problems that have been plaguing me since I was born.
Growing up, I was never the healthy child. I spent my nights in the hospital and some days with my mother, crying that the pain would end. The irony of this is despite the pain, I had a great childhood, my parents provided me with everything I needed. From trips abroad to play dates to birthday parties. I was an outdoor child, and enjoyed every minute of play I could get.
You see a lot of my friends saw the outside. The Mr Biggs every Sunday, the ice cream after school but they didn’t realise the pain that held me, a dark cloud that came every other month that led to seizures, hospital trips and countless drips.
Now that I have given you a back story, let me fast forward to secondary school. I travelled to Abuja with my family for a house warming. It was three days of fun and on the third day, precisely on our way to the airport I started vomiting. My mother, could predict a crisis coming and decided to take me to a nearby hospital for yet another bag of drip so I can be strong enough to make the flight back home. That was the last thing I remembered.
I woke up 5 days later in National Hospital Abuja. This was the worst crisis I had ever had and my parents and doctor decided to face what they had been avoiding for years - surgery.
Three specialists later, my parents finally settled on a particular ENT specialist for the surgery. Let’s call this doctor, Joe. Dr Joe was supposed to be one of the best in town and this procedure was supposed to be an easy one, two hours maximum they claimed.
Date of the surgery secured, we decided to commit everything into God’s hands. Did I mention that we are big lovers of God in my family? well we are. My name literally means “God is mine” and I believe in that meaning so much.
Back to the surgery. The day came and the surgery was claimed a success however, I started bleeding from my ears, nose and throat 30 minutes after the procedure and they quickly rushed me back in to the theatre to fix whatever they broke there.
I was kept on admission for a few days and the doctor assured my parents that I was cured and would never feel pain like that again. I didn’t know this surgery would usher me into another world of pain and my health issues were being upgraded.